In 2001 I lived just 4 blocks from the World Trade Center when it was attacked. It was an emotionally trying time for everyone and the way I dealt with it was to create art. I was always a huge fan of mixed media (using imagery, found objects, fabric, sparkles etc) and loved doing 3 dimensional scenes.
I begin by making shadow boxes where there is usually one persons image as the focal point. From there I will make up a story around that character, adding dimension, other characters, found objects and one line of text to get the viewers mind running. I don't like to tell the viewer exactly what is happening in the piece and instead like for the viewer to take in the whole scene and the text and let their own imaginations take them where they may. Many of the newer pieces also included sound and lights to add to the sensory input.
I showed my artwork at galleries in NYC and was chosen to have my work represented by Artlink by Sotheby's to be shown in a travelling show through Europe, Israel and the US.
I am currently looking for representation in the Chicago area!!! :)